Friday 21 January 2011

So this is the new year..

.. and i don't feel any different. (a gold star if you can name the song) Well i do a bit - mainly excitement, for (fingers crossed) many amazing things soon to be flooding my mind and literally moving me to pastures new! At the moment my life is consisting of making shoes which is stupidly enjoyable and just makes me wish i'd discovered fashion an textiles long ago (next up is a corset based on flowers - cue Giles Deacon for Ungaro/a recent Rihanna video that was all saturated and lovely and might chuck in some Sarah Burton-esque butterflies- summer is on its way after all!)

Within the shoe project through fairly substantial research have found a few bits to chuck together to form a "structure for the foot'' based on me. Personal projects are always quite fun, and easier than a self portrait which I have struggled with since I realised I could draw.

I will post pictures at some point- attempting to scan a4 from a1 is a task at the best of times...

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